NHAIS Help Desk
Your source for information about using the NHAIS Interlibrary Loan System and anything else library-related that you aren't sure whom you should ask.
The Help Desk staff is available between 8:30am and 4:30pm weekdays.
On days that the NH State Library is closed the Help Desk is also closed.
If you are having difficulty using NHAIS or if you have a question, please call us. There is voicemail on the Help Desk line and calls are returned as soon as possible. If you prefer you may also send inquiries via email.
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
You will find current information about the status of the NHAIS ILL System and lots of other stuff on the NHAIS Notes Blog.
NHAIS Services
The NHAIS Services section of the State Library offers a variety of programs for NHAIS members. These include the NHAIS ILL System Project, the OCLC Direct Access Program, the nhaisLOCAL Project, WebDewey subscriptions, and cataloging services, including free MARC records for use by NH libraries. We also moderate several NHSL listservs and coordinate the Series Keeper Project.
NHAIS Training
In addition to answering questions from individual libraries we also offer a variety of training related to ILL and cataloging. Our YouTube channel includes a variety of videos that explain how to use specific aspects of the NHAIS ILL system and our Training page includes documents of all our class handouts (including forms for ILL setup options), a self-guided training program for staff new to using NHAIS interlibrary loan, and announcements of training classes being offered in the near future.
NHAIS Members
NHAIS (the NH Automated Information System) was established by the state legislature in 1983 under Chapter XVI, Section 201-A:21. Public libraries, school libraries, college and university libraries, and government agency libraries can be part of NHAIS. Most current members, but not all, are participants in the ILL system. Periodically we compile member activity reports to give libraries a sense of how they, and their colleagues, are using the system.