NH Newspapers

Links and instructions on how to access New Hampshire newspapers both online and on microfilm

Newspaper Collection

The New Hampshire State Library has an extensive collection of NH newspapers in print and on microfilm.

You can limit the list to papers published in a particular town by adding and [name of town] in the search bar. Please note: This is not a digital collection, but a list of the physical newspaper holdings of the NH State Library. For help with finding a specific article, contact our Reference Department.

Online Catalog

New Hampshire newspaper archives available online

Several New Hampshire newspapers now have online archives that are freely available to the public.

As more papers are digitized, this list will continue to grow.

NH Newspaper Project

Completed in the early 1990s the NH Newspaper Project undertook to microfilm newspapers published in NH which were deemed critical for preservation based on the physical condition of the paper. This work was completed with a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the United States Newspaper Project. MARC records for these items are included in the NHU-PAC and are available to NHAIS participants.

To find out which titles were included in this project please refer to the NH Newspaper Project title list. This listing will also give you the city of publication, reel counts, date ranges, and publishers. The OCLC number of the original cataloging record is also included. The NH State Library has all of this film available for viewing at the library. Note: If you are looking for a specific article from one of these papers, rather than to purchase full rolls of microfilm, please contact the NHSL Reference Desk at 603-271-2144.

If you wish to purchase microfilm copies of these newspapers please contact Mary Russell by email to get current pricing.

NH Digital Newspaper Project

The New Hampshire Digital Newspaper Project (NHDNP) is a collaborative effort to select, digitize, and make publicly available historic New Hampshire newspapers under the auspices of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). In 2022, New Hampshire became the fiftieth state to join NDNP, with the goal of digitizing 100,000 pages of New Hampshire newsprint from microfilm by 2024. The NHDNP is a public-private collaboration between partner institutions through the state: Dartmouth College, New Hampshire State Library, New Hampshire Historical Society, and University of New Hampshire. This coalition is dedicated to responsible stewardship of the state’s cultural heritage and making it open access and freely accessible to all.

NH Newspaper Websites

Most newspapers have their own websites, although some may require a subscription to access online articles.

Current New Hampshire Newspaper Websites .

Still not finding what you're looking for? Contact the New Hampshire State Library Reference Department at 603-271-2144 or by visiting Ask A Librarian.