Downloadable Books

Information about New Hampshire Downloadable Books Consortium, a collaboration between NH State Library and the state’s public libraries to provide digital audiobooks, magazines, and eBooks to NH library patrons.

New Hampshire Downloadable Books is a service of the New Hampshire State Library and 200 of the state's public libraries. The digital collection includes eBooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines. The service can be accessed by patrons of participating New Hampshire public libraries through a website or app on most internet-connected devices.

The collection includes more than:

  • 17,000 unique eBook titles
  • 12.000 unique audiobook titles
  • 3000 unique magazine titles in multiple languages

Users may:

  • Borrow up to 3 eBooks/audiobooks at once
  • Place up to 5 eBooks/audiobooks on hold at one time
  • Checkout multiple magazines each week

App: Libby, by OverDrive

Note that users must have a valid public library card number from a participating New Hampshire public library. The NH State Library does not provide direct access to the digital collection.