Links and guidelines for the various library-related listservs hosted by the State of NH.
Guidelines for use of NHSL listservs
- Always include a subject line that tells recipients what your message is about.
- Respond directly to the original sender and not the entire list whenever possible.
- Use a complete signature block that includes your name, library, town, phone number, and ILL van stop.
- Send messages only to the list on which they belong (cross posting is rarely appropriate).
- It is the responsibility of the members of the list to keep it on topic – let other subscribers know (politely, and directly rather than through the listserv) when they are posting in the wrong place.
Policies for NHSL administered listservs
- Only members of the NH library community may subscribe to these listservs.
- Subscription requests will be reviewed by a list administrator before being activated.
- Messages sent by subscribers to the list will be distributed automatically.
- The list messages are run through the state’s spam filters which can cause posting delays to subscriber’s messages. Quarantined messages will be dealt with by list administrators when the NHSL is open.
- List administrators are not monitoring the listservs to make sure postings from subscribers are on-topic.
- Messages sent by non-subscribers will be held for review by a list administrator and will be distributed to the list at their discretion. Postings from someone in the NH library community and on a topic appropriate to the list where the message was sent are typically distributed. Held postings are reviewed as time allows and only when the NHSL is open.
- By default replies to messages on the listserv will go to the poster, not the list.
- Listserv archives and subscriber lists are accessible only to subscribers to that list and a password is required to access this information.
Lists Administered by NHSL staff
This list is for general discussion of library issues among NH libraries. Interlibrary loan requests should NOT be sent here, but should go to the NHAIS-ILL list. Announcements of items offered or needed should NOT be sent here, but should go to the YardsaleNHAIS list.
This list is for discussion related specifically to interlibrary loan among NH libraries. Requests for loans, based on NHU-PAC holding information, may be sent to this list.
This list is for NHAIS libraries to offer duplicate/discard materials to each other, for sale or for free, and to ask for things they want for their libraries.
Senior Services Group
This list is used by the Senior Services Group for sharing programs and ideas to meet the needs of our older adult library patrons.
A list for librarian members of the NH Downloadable Books Consortium.