Latino Poetry - The Places We Call Home

A collaboration of New Hampshire Humanities, UNH, and the NH Center for the Book.

Later this month we will be announcing a series of programs the Center for the Book is putting together in collaboration with New Hampshire Humanities and UNH thanks to a grant from the Library of America. Meanwhile, please join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage month, September 15 - October 15, 2024. We have compiled a set of readings and resources to keep you immersed in Hispanic Culture all month long! Please be aware that the poems included here are intended for adults.

Resources and Readings for Hispanic Heritage Month

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Learn about Latino Independence Days

Read about Mexican Independence Day

Hear Rio Cortez read “Ars Poetica with Mother and Dogs”

Learn About Chilean Independence Day

Learn about Latino History

Meet Ada Limón, US Poet Laureate

Read about Belize Independence Day

Hear Deborah Paredez read “Year of the Dog: Walls and Mirrors" Learn about the Spanish language newspapers included in Chronicling America Discover LatinX resources
in the American Folklife Center
Check out Spanish on the Internet - a resource from the NH Association of World Language Teachers Discover the radio program LatinoUSA Learn about Latino Culture Hear Vincent Toro read “Sonata of the Luminous Lagoon”
Discover 10 Ways to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in our National Parks Hear Rigoberto González read and discuss “Exiles” by Juan Felipe Herrera Learn about Latino Civil Rights Hear José Olivarez read “Mexican American Disambiguation” Check out a Teacher's Guide to Latino Heritage and History in the US Hear Steven Alvarez read “1992/5th Sun/our present” Take a virtual tour of the Cândido Portinari Murals at the Library of Congress
Hear Andrés Cerpa read “The Distance between Love & My Language” Listen to past episodes of Bread & Poetry with NH poet Diannely Antigua Find resources for Hispanic-American genealogy research Hear Rigoberto González read and discuss “Operation Wetback” by Diana García Find resources about Latin American countries on LANIC Hear Martín Espada read “Alabanza: In Praise of Local 100” Check out new books from Latino/a/x/e writers on GoodReads
Hear Ada Limon read  "The End of Poetry" Discover the Legal History of Hispanic Heritage Month  

Latino Poetry: Places We Call Home is a major public humanities initiative, planned for 2024–25, that celebrates and explores the multifaceted legacy of Latino poetry. It is directed by Library of America and funded with generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Latino Poetry: Places We Call Home (Lugares que llamamos hogar) es una gran iniciativa pública en el campo de las humanidades, que se proyecta para el 2024 – 2025. Es dirigida por Library of América con el generoso apoyo del Fondo Nacional para las Humanidades.